
Jaro-Winkler in PL/pgSQL

We needed to do a fuzzy text match in PostgreSQL, but the fuzzy search algorithms that are available in the extensions that come in the Debian Postgres packages are pretty crude. Jaro-Winkler distance is available in the extension pg_similarity, but that requires doing make; make install, which makes installation cumbersome our development and production environments. An alternative is installing postgresql-plpython and using the Jaro-Winkler distance from the jellyfish library, but that reqires installing the package and enabling the pg_plpythonu extension on all databases. So I took some time and ported the algorithm to PL/pgSQL, which does not require any extensions:
-- Ported from jellyfish/_jellyfish.py

    RETURNS float8 AS $$
    ying_len integer := LENGTH(ying);
    yang_len integer := LENGTH(yang);
    min_len integer := GREATEST(ying_len, yang_len);
    search_range integer;
    ying_flags bool[];
    yang_flags bool[];
    common_chars float8 := 0;
    ying_ch TEXT;
    hi integer;
    low integer;
    trans_count integer := 0;
    weight float8;
    i integer;
    j integer;
    jj integer;
    k integer;

    IF ying_len = 0 OR yang_len = 0 THEN
        RETURN 0;
    END IF;

    search_range := (GREATEST(ying_len, yang_len) / 2) - 1;
    IF search_range < 0 THEN
        search_range := 0;
    END IF;
    FOR i IN 1 .. ying_len LOOP
        ying_flags[i] := false;
    FOR i IN 1 .. yang_len LOOP
        yang_flags[i] := false;

    -- looking only within search range, count & flag matched pairs
    FOR i in 1 .. ying_len LOOP
        ying_ch := SUBSTRING(ying FROM i for 1);
        IF i > search_range THEN
            low := i - search_range;
            low := 1;
        END IF;
        IF i + search_range <= yang_len THEN
            hi := i + search_range;
            hi := yang_len;
        END IF;
        FOR j IN low .. hi LOOP
            IF NOT yang_flags[j] AND
                 SUBSTRING(yang FROM j FOR 1) = ying_ch THEN
               ying_flags[i] := true;
               yang_flags[j] := true;
               common_chars := common_chars + 1;
               EXIT inner;
            END IF;
        END LOOP inner;
    -- short circuit if no characters match
    IF common_chars = 0 THEN
        RETURN 0;
    END IF;

    -- count transpositions
    k := 1;
    FOR i IN 1 .. ying_len LOOP
        IF ying_flags[i] THEN
            FOR j IN k .. yang_len LOOP
                jj := j;
                IF yang_flags[j] THEN
                    k := j + 1;
                    EXIT inner2;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
            IF SUBSTRING(ying FROM i FOR 1) <>
                    SUBSTRING(yang FROM jj FOR 1) THEN
                trans_count := trans_count + 1;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    trans_count := trans_count / 2;

    -- adjust for similarities in nonmatched characters
    weight := ((common_chars/ying_len + common_chars/yang_len +
               (common_chars-trans_count) / common_chars)) / 3;

    -- winkler modification: continue to boost if strings are similar
    IF weight > 0.7 AND ying_len > 3 AND yang_len > 3 THEN
       -- adjust for up to first 4 chars in common
       j := LEAST(min_len, 4);
       i := 1;
       WHILE i - 1 < j AND
             SUBSTRING(ying FROM i FOR 1) = SUBSTRING(yang FROM i FOR 1) LOOP
           i := i + 1;
       END LOOP;
       weight := weight + (i - 1) * 0.1 * (1.0 - weight);
    END IF;

    RETURN weight;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;


Dakota said...

If you try with the strings 'Amazon' and 'amaozn', it gives 0.755555555555556, while it should return 0.961111111111111.

Unknown said...

I checked this against the default select UTL_MATCH.jaro_winkler('amaozn','Amazon') from dual; that Oracle 12C comes with and it returns 0.75555555555555

Vaudun D'Noir said...

Late to the party (as usual) but both are correct.

Comparing 'amaozn' and 'amazon' returns 0.961111111111111.
Comparing 'amaozn' and 'Amazon' returns 0.755555555555556.